Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

Haaappy Birthday toooo meeeeee! I know you're all singing along with me on this one. If you're not, you're a terrible human being. Shame on you for not wishing me a happy birthday. Just kidding. We're still cool. I mean, not as cool as me on my own since it's, you know, my birthday and all, but still...

On the topic of birthdays, I always feel a bit awkward when people ask me what I want. Not to sound snobby, I usually go with a: "Oh nothing, thanks," or a "I really can't think of anything right now," or even the self-less "Just you coming to my party is enough."

But come on, there's probably no chance that I'm telling the truth when I say that. Humans are selfish; it's a basic instinct. Back who-knows-how-long-ago when we were all grunty

some still are, especially during a football game

 and wore loin-cloths to cover our delicate parts, we'd all fight over who got the best part of the gazelle or who got to drink the clean water first, before the rest of our troop muddied it up, frolicking in the puddles. Yes, the majority of the population's hygiene has improved, but many basic instincts are still just sitting there, hoping to make people look stupid when they are most vulnerable, i.e. most drunk/wasted/plastered/hammered/shit-faced. Pick your poison.

On the topic of booze, I just got back from lunch with the family at this wine bar-cafe-bistro whatever French restaurant, and after that meal, pretty much everyone at the table was seriously considering more alcohol. Don't get me wrong, the food was really good, it just took FOREVER to be served.

No joke. It took 34 minutes for the waitress to ask us what we all wanted. But let's get back to the meat of the story. I actually got fish, but never mind. You don't care. 

Some part of me deep down (very deep down) thinks the act of giving/receiving gifts is just slightly questionable. It says: "Hey, I don't feel like having my actions or words speak for me, so here's a tangible gift to bribe you to be my friend." Then there's another little bit (slightly closer to the surface) that sees it as an act of appreciation: "You're so super awesome. Here's a little somethin' somethin' to show you just how much I care about our friendship/you/what you do."

But in the long run, it's awesome. Who doesn't love getting presents or letters in the mail? The only letters I have gotten recently have been from colleges asking for my soul and Bob Smith, CEO who has promised me on more than one occasion to turn that $100 I sent in into $1 million. He must have a busy schedule.

Raise your hand if you like getting presents. Keep your hand raised if you like getting letters from people you know in the mail. Now, keep that hand up if you actually send letters to old friends that you haven't heard from in a while and want to keep in touch with. If your hand is still up, you're an awesome person and I want you as my friend. If your hand went down for that last one, that's okay. Like I said before, people are selfish and it's not that inconceivable that you're not one of them, too.

"You keep using that word. I do not 
think it means what you think it means."

1 comment:

  1. tl;dr

    Also, I came to your party. And what did you do? You complained my mere presence wasn't enough.


    Heppe birgstag.
