Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome Back, Now Here's 2 Facts

1) I hate catchy choruses
2) I'm a hypocrite

Just kidding. That would be way too awesome if I were Bo Burnham.
Then again, I don't think I could be a dude. 

But, never-the-less, I am back in business. The south has posted again, the eagle has landed in the blogosphere, and any other popular phrase you can think of, tweaked to be blog-related. I'm way too clever for my own good.

The summer has ended [chokes back tears] and the craziness that is school is back in my life as of today. As such, my brain is officially fried. Three months of doing nothing has gradually reverted my brain-matter to mush, so any actual thought processes give me a migraine worthy of a timid "oww" and a pinch on the bridge of my nose. Thus, I cannot actually think of any topic worthy of my ever-so-fabulous blog off the top of my head. That's right, you're getting the canned version that is number 9 on the list of 100 Blog Topics I Hope You Write: How I Find Blogging Ideas.



25. Books I Want To Write. That'll work.

For the past 3 years I've been working on a "creative writing" story about a girl that's invisible and a guy that's blind. Ironic? Only slightly. He's friendly, she hates him. I'm sure you can all see (or not, since she's, you know, invisible and all) where this is going. They fall in lurve. [hold up audience "awww" reaction sign]. I look back at the pages I have so far and edit, edit edit. Each time, I try to make it less...what's another way to say "has a terrible plot and even worse writing"? Well, I try to make it less Stephanie-Meyer-esque. That about covers the horrible plot twists and bland writing.
They're not romantic. They're creepy. Call the cops, you airhead.

I mean, really. Are you kidding me? My characters are actually sane. Santa should be the only one who sees you when you're sleeping and knows when you're awake. If Edward Cullen is the new Santa Claus, I'm converting to a religion that doesn't acknowledge the existence of Kris Kringle and decapitates anything that comes down the chimney or through the windows. Creeper.

But I digress.

Unfortunately, for those of you who enjoy reading sad, slightly stupid books about immature morons, here is one you will never see. I only add to my story when I'm in chicky-flicky mode, so there's no way I am letting that sucker out into the open. It would ruin my rep of being super special awesome. Guess you're just going to have to settle for your grocery store romances.

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