Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Just Because It's Called "Group Work" Doesn't Make It So

It's a common tale: a team is assembled in the hopes of creating something wonderful that one person alone could not accomplish. If that has ever actually happened, you are a very lucky person. I have personally never experienced that. One person will always have taken the reins and once in a while (if they're feeling particularly bitchy that day) they will refuse to let anyone else in the group have any say in the project. It's not that nobody else works, rather that one alpha-member won't get off his or her high horse to let anyone else ruin whatever it is that was already accomplished.

I do speak from personal experience, but just in case certain people do end up reading this blog (if anyone does, really) I could get into some serious issues. Cyber bulling is not my aim and I don't want to get close to it, even when I don't know I'm doing it. It's so much easier to just rant about annoying people to others via speaking.
Unless somebody's got a tape-recorder taped to their chest and is recording every word, there's no way anything can be proven in court. 

Here-say is not definitive evidence and when it comes down to it, I really don't want to be arrested.

On that note, back to group-work. Today in AP Microeconomics we had a mock trial about this woman in Florida who was sending spam emails to people in Wisconsin. Sounds fascinating, yes? Only when we get our minds going. Of course, nobody knew what they were doing except the two team captains (in a way) that are the only people in mock trial. They were spewing legal terminology left and right while the rest of us sat in awe, dreading our moment at the stand. But it's the end of the year, grades are pretty much closed, and nobody really gives a crap anymore. Sorry, if any of you reading this are teachers, but it's true. On that note, the non-mock-trial people wanted to have some fun with the case. I became a crazy person that toted a homicidal stuffed rabbit and "Johnson Cookies and Co." decided they would sell erasers. Yeah, if you understand what the heck is going on, please let me know.

Random, but somebody just walked past my window o_0. Thought I'd let you know. In my defense, it seemed important at the time.

Anywhoo, mock trial. I'm not complaining that certain people took charge of a certain side, but at least have other people take a turn at things. On that note, I can't say anything else without heading towards that god-awful cyber bullying, so I'll call it quits. Group work just makes me want to throw a binder against the wall and scream in some ancient tongue that only the crazy lady with the dead chickens hanging in her window in some deserted village in Africa knows.

This will haunt your dreams.

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