For those of you who have continually been checking up on this oh-so-wonderful blog of mine in the hopes of seeing a happy new post from myself, today is your lucky day. I have finally had enough Bo Burnham on my homepage, and it's time for a better face.
Oh, hell yeah. Now, that's what I'm talking about.
On the other hand, for those of you just visiting this awe-inspiring page for the first time, screw you. Now, don't take that the wrong way. I *love* that you're here and I hope you come back for round 3, but what the heck took you so long? I mean, really.
Anyways, passive aggression aside, my life has been rather hectic lately. What with school, college apps, and the always important yearbook taking up 23 hours of my day, there has been little time to come up with interesting posts...hence what you are reading right now.
To make it more interesting, I could start writing in Spanish. Maybe German? ¡Sí! Ja! Possiblemente. Vielleicht.